Spirits In The Sky is scheduled on the 9th and 10th of November 2024!

Spirits In The Sky is the only festival in Belgium dedicated to the best spirits of the world! Whiskies, rum, cognac, grappa, calvados, mescal, tequila, cachaça… We have it all! In fact, we’re the only festival that brings all these categories together under one roof!

News and updates

Countdown to Spirits In The Sky 2024








Spirits In The Sky – Stands 2023

Spirits In The Sky – Stands 2023

Beste vrienden, Met veel plezier stellen we jullie voor aan de aanwezige merken op Spirits in the Sky 2023. Baan uw weg door alle ruimtes vol enthousiaste Brand Ambassadeurs die staan te popelen om jullie te laten genieten van hun beste spirits! Boven- en onderaan...

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Spirits In The Sky 2022

Spirits In The Sky 2022

Beste Vrienden van Spirits In The Sky Spirits In the Sky verwelkomt je ook dit jaar opnieuw in Brussel. Na de "Covid Edition" in 2021 zijn we blij velen van jullie weer te zien in het Thon Hotel. Het festival van "alle sterke dranken", van Whisky tot Rum, van Cognac...

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Spirits In The Sky 2021 – Masterclasses

Spirits In The Sky 2021 – Masterclasses

Beste spirit liefhebber,   We melden u met veel plezier dat de master classes voor Spirits In The Sky 2021 bekend zijn. We deden ons best u een gevarieerd aanbod te presenteren met stuk voor stuk merken en onderwerpen waar we fier op mogen zijn. Geregeld zitten...

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1 pm – 7 pm


1 pm – 6 pm

Master classes

Master your knowledge of the best spirits in town in one of our dedicated master classes.

Becoming a master!


Be the first to know important news and last minutes, by subscribing to our newsletter!

Sign me up!

This year we’ll have two rooms for the Master Classes again. This will give us more space to organize them accordingly and to manage better the time needed.

Presale and on-site

Pricing edition 2024

Online: € 30,00 per person, including tasting glass and 5 diamonds. Access to the fair at 12u30!

On-site: not possible this year



You pay for samples with “diamonds”. One diamond comes at € 1,00. They can be bought at Spirits In The Sky or via presale deal. Diamonds cannot be exchanged for money and are non-refundable!



  • Parking available near Hotel Thon. Parking fees are never included in the ticket price:
    • Parking Hotel Thon (“Trierstraat”)
    • Parking “Wetstraat”
  • Easily accessible with public transport:
    • Brussel Centraal (1km)
    • Brussel-Schuman (300m)
    • Brussel-Luxemburg (700m)
    • Kunst-Wet (Subway)
    • Maelbeek (Métro)

Are you ready for your expedition?

By now you’ll probably be starting to have an itch to take part in our event.  So what will it be?  Still need some more convincing, or will you head right over to the ticket shop?